Nothing is fun
Nothing is satisfactory
Nothing makes me truly smile from the heart anymore
How can there be a solution when I feel nothing is fun?
Like no one can force you to enjoy a game when you yourself find it not interesting
Therefore, no solution
Meaningless, Meaningless, Meaningless!
All the virtues, grace, "sublime and beauty", loftiness, nobleness, innocence, righteousness, glory, self-sacrifice, loyalty, fidelity, love
Is there any one single thing in the world worth being pursued seriously?
Is there any one single thing among those above that is true to its concept and manifests itself being intact in real life?
Now that I've come to realize that those (mentioned above, that used to inspire me, and has inspired human beings since the beginning of humankind) are just illusions,
It seems
the best I can do is to come up with mini-games, which are inevitably completely meaningless and arbitrary at their core just like all things in the world, and play them over and over, until I die
(Refer to my post titled "Endless mini-games")
The problem is, how I can immerse myself in the mini-games, despite being aware that those are meaningless
For now, it seems impossible
Even if I find the way, it is just a 'cope' at best
Therefore, no fundamental solution
Once disillusioned, there is no escape, no solution
All I can feel is sadness these days