To ascend or not to ascend
That is the question
That is the question
There's no perfect triangle in the real world A perfect triangle exists only in a space which Plato called 'idea' Let's say there is a so-called triangle in the real world The more sensible you are, the more you notice the triangle's imperfection In other words, less sensible people live closer to 'idea', which is worthy of envy It would be only fair to mention that sensible people are more accurate They perceive, know, and understand the world better But the benefits of living closer to 'idea' far outweigh the benefits of knowing the real world better
In this intertwined world, viruses are easily spread Most people are already infected with intellectual viruses In the past when the world was not as intertwined as now, I could have found some uninfected people... It's not possible anymore
lament, lament, lament So many lamentable things in this world Almost burst into tears
What a relief that I have the last resort to put an end to life What an ultimate relief
It's better to admit that life is suffering than to believe otherwise and be betrayed at every corner
It's just hilarious The book 'The courage to be disliked' being liked Both Authors Readers Just hilarious Do they really know what it's really like to be disliked? No Do they really have that courage? No Do they even want that courage? No
If you take the first step backward, you might as well just keep going - Donald J. Trump
Re-evaluating everything I've believed and heard It takes so much energy But I have to do in order to truly be myself, in order to be free from all the lies / deceptions this whole world has told me
Full of sadness and despair Only being truly myself consoles me...