After thought on my last post
After thought on my last post (title: It's a big shame) Did you notice that the examples I mentioned feel like somewhat "basic"? in that the valuation is totally up to you (subjective), those are what you can directly feel, and all that matters is how you think? Aesthetics (black color, hem length, Christopher Reeve, bottom button, haircuts) Taste (broccoli) Bodily feelings (stretching) Assessment by you (novels, movies) I didn't mention something like: "I hated vitamin D but they said it's good therefore I took, how shameful" "I used to take cold shower even though that was stressful because that's what they said to be beneficial, how shameful" Furthermore, "I hated getting a certain surgery but because that was necessary according to the doctor, I got it even though I didn't feel good about it, how shameful" "I always felt nothing wrong about smoking and my body didn't feel any negative effect, but because smoking is unhealthy according to them, I stopped smoking, how shameful" "I followed someone's advice even though I was doubtful, and the result was failure, how shameful that I didn't follow my instinct" (what if the result was successful? even if they know better than you and their advice is spot on, you can feel doubtful because you know less then them, but in this case following advice is a good thing) There are distinctions, did you notice? We don't know all things directly We don't feel the consequences of a behavior immediately if the behavior's result is shown in the distant future Therefore it is necessary that we should "rely on what others say in some cases" About what we don't know and what they know better than us It sounds so obvious but as I mentioned, I (and probably you) relied so much on others even when how I valuate is all that matters and what others say does not matter at all That was the whole point of my detailed examples Many "alphas" ("jocks", Donald Trump, Steve Jobs) valuate on their own and tend not to rely on others' opinion, compared to most people But at the same time, they sometimes make mistakes in that they don't listen to others when it's necessary Born-to-be-alpha would not listen (but in rare cases alphas like Trump know when to listen and when not to listen) Born-to-be-beta would listen so carefully Let me repeat again: The whole point of my last post is, "I've relied (we rely) on others' opinion so embarrassingly much unknowingly, even though I always knew (we know) theoretically that it's important to distinguish when to listen and when not to listen" But, the main point that I want to emphasize in this post is, "In some cases, it's actually hard to draw a line" More specifically, there are many cases we don't know whether we know better than them or not, about a certain thing For example, let's say I personally feel a certain posture to be comfortable and good but they say it's a bad posture that would result in bad implications What should I do? Should I follow my instinct because bodily feeling is what belongs to me and what I can feel directly? There are also possibilities that what they say will turn out to be wrong But think about this case: many people like sugary foods and they like them instinctively, but probably those foods are not healthy We believe that sugary foods are outright unhealthy because "there seems to be a world-wide consensus about that topic" But how much should we believe that 'consensus'? As I've written several times, the world has so many deceptions There are many so-called consensus that sometimes turn out to be false as time passes, and some false consensus that only insightful people can see through Therefore, "In some cases, it's actually hard to draw a line" But it's so important to draw the line as well as possible Because, think about the examples when I listened to others when I should not, it's so shameful and absurd and think about examples when alphas didn't listened to others: Stubborn resistance to modern medicine led to death, it's so ridiculous Not obvious cases are the same: it would be shameful in proportion to the degree that you listen to others when you should not, and it would be ridiculous in proportion to the degree that you don't listen to others when you should Yes, it's very complex, we should restlessly try to draw better lines (or, all is cope anyway so don't bother) That's something to think about, successively to and in connection with the last post